Welcome to the Hastings High School
Debate Home page

Welcome to the new HHS Debate Page.  We invite you to take some time and explore this site.  This site will provide you with links to research the current resolutions, both Policy and L.D. If you are thinking of joining your local debate program this site will help assist you in making that decision.  So please look around this page and bookmark it for future use.

Current Resolutions for Policy/L.D.
    -States the current resolutions and provides links to useful research sites

Organization Links
    -Links to the NFL and NSAA home pages

Research Sites
    -Links to some of our favorite debate sites.

Why join Debate?
    -If you have students who are thinking of joining point them this way.  Also this page list benefits of joining debate.

Coaches Resources
    -We're still working on this page, but eventually we will have stuff for team coaches.

HHS Debate Team Information
    -This sit contains information about HHS Debate Team.

Guest Book
    -Please sign our guest book

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